Very Friendly City
Afternoon tea?
How many of you still grease your scalp, or have returned back to it? And how do you use it in your routine??
Does my hair look damaged?
Weak digestion.
I need to get my hands on the best corned beef sandwich in Detroit
Data driven prep in real time
How cooked am I? Should I go ahead and shave it all off? This is 4 years of growth.
Them (2021-)
I get it, Raleigh is full
Anyone else carry reference books in their Go Bags?
Before I Make A Mistake
Found in West Harlem. What do these symbols mean?
Literally in tears rn
I just vacuum and mopped for the 3rd day in a row and there is still grey stuff on my socks when I walk. Socks were completely white! Why?
How Much $ Do I Need To Make A Month To Live Comfortably In Midtown?
Campbell's Creamy Chicken & Dumpling soup, scooped like salsa with Lay's chips (I'm gonna die.) Let's hear your weird food combos!
Is it just me or is Veronica always stirring the pot??
What’s the review on these products?
Does anyone else's stomach look like this?
Micah removed the photos of Veronica off of his Instagram
I’m getting laid!!!
The happy fam
I Want to Live Somewhere Cold & Affordable
More teen spaces im begging 💔💔💔💔