whose your favorite youtuber besides jack?
show me your last saved poppy playtime related pic
Top comment removes a Country [Day 18]
What's a character everyone hates, but you like/love for no reason?
Top comment removes a Country [Day 17]
What would you name this country?
I have no words…
What's your top 3 out of these 3 characters?
Show me a meme, ANY meme
Show me a meme
If you were Shadow Moth what kind of Akumatized Sentimonsters would you create?
‘S.W.A.T.’ Canceled (Again) By CBS After 8 Seasons; Showrunner Calls News “Heartbreaking”
A "The Rookie" fan here, is this show a recommendation?
Day 2: the cringiest episode
Chef's kiss
lol lowkey accurate
Day 9 : Comment Your Least Favorite Couple - Tim & Isabel got out!
Get rid of a character
Why didn’t monarch just use the butterfly miraculous to grant himself the power of time travel?
Don’t Like so many people break this rule?
What is your legacy on r/jacksucksatlife
Day 5 : Comment Your Least Favorite Couple - Lucy & Chris got out!