First time
Oxbow start
Finding Mithril ore
How to upload world with progress to dedicated server
What was hugely hyped up but flopped?
Anyone want burnt corriander burnt orange badly seasoned turkey from Salt Bae?
Is it common to urinate while taking a shower?
Question for the guys… what gives you the ick?
Should i break up with her
My BF just doesnt find me attractive
Can’t find Durin’s forge please help
[Serious] Wrong/weird to hook up with “cousin in-law”
Why is my guy friend suddenly so selective with his replies?
Unlocking armor glitch
For all the girls(18-25)
Who do I look like?
Grandfather's uniform info
Most effective solo fighting method for you?
Why is she always around me if she has a boyfriend?
What to do with pent-up anger?
The world is close to ending and you’re still afraid to approach that person you like
I think I have fetish
How old were you when you had your first kiss?
She’s too good