Hand tool for putting a nail-head on a wire?
Receiving change in bubblegum in South Africa...where can I read about that?
I need laser cut tubes that require cuts that are not 'normal to surface'...where can I go?
What spherical resonance mode is this?
Are there connectors\procedures to reduce transmission of mechanical vibration to a daughter board?
Need starting point for AI tuning of integer coefficient
What tools\approach for AI tuning of system coefficients?
I saw a roller\belt config where four rollers orbit a central one. What is it called?
Where do I get 3mm pitch stepper cables?
Are FPGAs a good choice vs matrixing STM32G if you only want timers?
What is a good material choice for the belt in a micro-belt drive?
OV7670 camera supports GRB4:2:2...but how?
I just upgraded to 10.0.3530 and it loses my mail. How do they keep doing this?
Is there a schematic for the OV7670 integrated boards out there? (Need to make my own.)
Are there cameras that do on-board hue rotation?
Are Solidworks belt and pulley features compatible with non-circular gears?
What software can simulate belt drives with non-circular gears and non-closed belt?
Will a broken pineapple top still grow?
What is a good replacement for a 2x2 molex connector?
What DVP camera can shoot continuously without needing any commands for each frame? (Can Arducam?)
Can machine vision algorithms direct process a single bit depth RGB image that is run-length encoded?
Need terminology help with 'variable gear reduction'?
Where can I get stable shaft\bearing combos that for 1-2mm that fit snugly
How to use hyperbolic geometry to solve for 2D acoustic transmitter source?
Where can I get a helical gear I can couple with an M3 screw to yield a worm drive?