Turn that useless brain off and start gooning for Daddy baby, don't stop until I say something
I love how gun fixed the Servers and didn’t even post about it on their main account and this is the problem gun doesn’t communicate properly about anything
Come back people, servers are up….
This is gonna ☠️ the game.
Servers down?
this feels like the final nail in the coffin
Should i get this game?, just need few answers to make decision.
Hopefully the next family member will be young and not a trapper.
Why is this community so disgusting
I mean it's alright like....
Who do y'all feel sorry for when you execute a victim?
Solo queue family is literally a lost cause
Motivation to still play TCSM
Upcoming DLC Announcements
Another message for devs
Question for victim mains..
This game is dead because of a fatal assumption
Hot fix
Solo queue in both comp and quickplay is worse than anything i ever experienced in OW.
Hands Is Overrated
Who's the quietest victim in your opinion?
What is this???
that was close !! thank god for no sell
Left or Right
who is stronger? Johnny Or Johnny?