Has Anyone Used Telehealth for a Doctor’s Note?
Sick Days Should Be for Rest, Not Running Around for a Doctor’s Note
What to do when feeling “under the weather” during work
What's Your Recent Work 'Oopsie'?
Depressed WFH - how to be social again?
I Stopped Buying Duplicates
How many carrots per day is unsafe to consume?
Rest the Most Neglected Priority
7 days/$67
Body Pain from Sitting Too Long While Working from Home
Go-To Meal that’s Healthy, Cheap, and Takes Less Than 10 Minutes
Anyone noticing more people abandoning social media?
Best cheap sources of protein that don’t need to be cooked??
Creating a Weekly Meal Plan Reduced My Stress
What does discipline feel like?
Rebuilding routine by Micro-goals
How do u deal with those days where you dont want to do anything?
Deactivated IG - anyone else?
What’s your hack to avoid negative self talk?
What was the most valuable lesson you’ve learned about nutrition, and how has it changed your habits?
What advice would you give a 31 year old to get better in life?
Not a fan of beaches
Does anyone else feel sad at home but happy when they go out?
Collagen protein
Does anyone here like fermented foods?