How I feel when I’m calling my local stores.
Let’s hear something positive going on in life!
Any tips on side income?
If you were born in Star Wars? What would you be?
[Concept/Fanmade] Gen 2 Full Art concepts
Wanted to share my collection pics with all of you lovely people!!
Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope you all have a good holiday 😁😁 what did Santa bring you?? 👀
Which of your favorite books have the best art?
I’d like to see more card artwork along the lines of the one star Nidoqueen. I really like this style.
These are Gorgeous.
Dad's day off
Should I get the omni as well and/or just keep the trades?
First shelfie!
Black Friday Image haul
New Shelf, New Shelfie
December delivery!! So excited!! 😁😁😁
Is there any word when the 2020-24 Vader run will be available in omnibus form?
GI Joe Compendium HC Kickstarter Shipping Update
Just finished this run! Wow!
Reading Table
Hey all! Is there any word on a reprint of Absolute Y the last man vol 2 and 3?
Alright boiz what did you buy for Black Friday?!
Looking for a “cant put down” omni? Can be ant genre!! GO!
Is third time a charm?!
Can anyone list the complete aliens, predator, and AVP Omni reading order?