What’s the weirdest unwritten rule that you follow in your life, even though you don’t know why?
[HIRING] Family Portrait (couple + 4 pets) - line art + coloring, all styles welcome
What’s the dumbest way you’ve ever injured yourself?
If tattoos could whisper, what would yours say at night?
If you could add one completely unnecessary feature to the human body, what would it be?
If a horror movie villain had to babysit your kid, which one would be the best choice?
If your restaurant had a legendary ghost, what would their backstory be?
If your pet or any animal suddenly gained the ability to talk, what’s the first thing you think they’d say to you?
What’s a belief you’ve changed your mind about in the last five years?
If your tattoo could tell a story, what would it say?
If you could erase one memory from your life, would you?
If you had to swap lives with a fictional character for a week, who would it be?
Do you believe in the concept of fate or do you think we create our own destinies?
What’s a moment in life that felt like it was straight out of a movie?
If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be and what would you ask them?
What’s a skill or talent you think is underrated?
If you had to replace your hands with something else, what would you choose?
What’s the strangest thing you believed as a kid?
If you had to switch lives with a cartoon character for a week, who would it be?
What’s one thing that instantly makes you laugh no matter what?
If animals could talk, which species would be the rudest?
How does it feel to be a human these days?
What are some things as a society we should stop normalizing?
What’s the most fascinating thing about being a human?
If aliens landed tomorrow and asked for a tour, where’s the first place you’d take them?