Trumpcession: How to Prepare
Thank you everyone for helping me out. The solution was less detergent, deep fill water and 2nd rinse. No detergent stains and they feel fresh! Now I have to find a solution for the mildew smell. Is Dettol laundry sanitiser ok? Should I let the clothes presoak in water and this sanitiser first?
Moved from Europe to the US and don't know how to properly use a washer...
RV-Worked in Germany between 2019 and 2022 what should I do with my pension?
People in your mid to late 30's, how much do you have in savings?
Bye guys, I have to unsubscribe from all fire subs cause my mental health is going down the drain from reading "finally at 1m nw at 27!" or "4.3m cash, 29, can I retire?" or "28 dinks with 350k hhi!", "24yo with 500k portfolio!"
Do any Millenials out there actually *not* living paycheck to paycheck?
Grocery Budget
Canada cannot afford another lost economic decade
The most overlooked but important thing ever. Your salary per hour. Comparison between US and EU market
Clean/renewable energy stocks?
22m inherited 3.6m CAD from my late grandfather - should i retire
It's funny how even with 300k subs in europefire, there is only 1-2 posts a day and the weekly thread is a year old. Look at fire or financial independence subreddits and how many posts there are. I think it shows really well how FIRE is way more difficult in Europe
Just hit 250k net worth
How can I get my pension refund from Austria?
I've given up because of people that bought a house before 2022.
€250k saved up, what next?
35M, project manager in a law firm, from Europe to Bahamas, VHCOL. Kicking myself for not going into tech or med.
35M, project manager in a law firm, Bahamas, VHCOL. Kicking myself for not going into tech or med.
Income taxes in France on 250K salary single earner
[OC] My 2023 annual finances for a single 35M project manager in a law firm
[Weekly] I'm HENRY...what should I do/what do you think of/etc…?
what percentage of your paycheck is saved and invested?
Where to find an EU tax expert?
I’m so mad at the housing market right now. I feel like I’m going to have a panic attack.