Spicy Elephant
What is your wishlist for Elder Scrolls VI? (Posting this here because the main sub won't let me)
Video of my phone going through the X-Ray scanner at the airport.
New toy
Just got the Soviet DP-5a!
Where to get exempt sources in Europe?
This is what I’ve been waiting for, alpha beta and gamma separation.
Why is this so high if radiacode can’t read alpha?
You're stuck on a 10 hour flight. Where are you sitting? [Skyrim NPCs]
I have a question. I know that Smoke detectors contain Am241, which releases alpha particles. I read that when Am241 gets hit with an alpha particle, it absorbs it and turns into Berkelium 245. Is that actually true?
Three Radium watches
Sorry if im breaking a rule here, but found an actual bridge marker for sale on ebay. The holy grail of radioactive antiques if anyone wants to look at it.
My disk source collection so far
Handling Brittle Minerals
Some More Disk Sources for Chat.
You guys sure this plate is safe?
Tiktok creator made yellowcake paint and got reported to NRC
Anyone know if this watch is radioactive?I have no knowledge on this topic help is much appreciated.
Long-Term Exposure to Military Radium Altimeter Dial - How screwed am I?
What are my chances of radium paint here?
What are these plates glazed with?
Here’s a better video of gamma radiation effects on my phone camera.
Co-60 vs Cs-137
10 microcurie Cs-137 disk on a camera.
Found online…how safe would this be to add to my collection?