Moved cities and tried to find new friend’s
I'm getting married ( advice)
Fixing vibes in dreams?
The Black American Middle & Upper Classes Of The 1900s (Part Two)...
Big 24, Its my birthday 🎉
I can't stand seeing most other ethnicities dance like us but every now and then someone gets it
desscaras from "Ichi The Witch"
I love my short natural hair and my crown. ❤️ it’s so adorable to have double the crown!.
just a visual representation of how long we’ve been oppressed…
Kelly Stamps is advising her viewers to date “moderate” men in a red state
What's one goal yall really want to meet in the next five years?
Cleansing Oil Facial Wash
Update- I put my abuser in jail
ig is hell
The Black Community Series: Our People Still Coming Out Of The Last 400 Years Like...
Bro had Usher shook 🤣
Did yall watch Issa Rae’s Senegalese homecoming on No Taste Like Home?
is this weird or am i “too woke”?
Check your credit score
Why can’t you take the answer “No” and nobody care about your grandma’s norms!
Decided to start making weekly newsletters
Alright… time to get a braider
Found this gem on x