whenthe v pizzacake lawsuit coming
The amount of allegations that go on that app are insane
My response when someone asks me ass or tits
Well, let's address the elephant in the room?!? lol
I was truly disappointed
Why do people do this so often?
Jesus meets his biggest fan
Dumb question but does Sera, Emily, Adam, Lucifer, Lilith and Eve have bellybuttons? Since they weren’t necessarily born?
wait. is this impossible or am i just dumb?
does Sera have the N word pass?
I present: A Real life Vox! This person, known as the Virginia TV Man was seen leaving old TVs on people doorsteps in Virginia in 2009. His current whereabouts are unknown
Well nieces and nephew, auntie was pressured into making a TikTok by her coworkers and I did! I was banned after around 40 or so minutes of using the damn thing.
Which Hazbin character makes you like this?
Alright what the hell was your last saved image or fan comic you read that it traumatize Doom Slayer
Hey younger millenials how did the twilight movies ever take off?
How to make me squeal 101
Moxxie doesn't care for the Godfather
This is how we slept last night anyways AMA time
I saw this and felt my soul leave my body
I did not care for Leviathan
Don't mind him, he's here to visit the subreddit
I feel like some of y'all are tryna start drama/discourse or somethin.
I said I would never cause drama on this subreddit, but I did nieces and nephews. And Auntie is sorry.
I have a Vox fetish…