Is my Phoebe decent? Just leveled her up to LVL 90
i think i downloaded the wrong elytra elite map
The most beautiful eyes (by ちぐさ)
Carlotta Montelli (by JVN)
I was very lucky
We must protect our king
Phoebe in black clothes🖤
Don't let "perfect" get in the way of "good enough"!
Would you rather get 2 copies of Shorekeeper or 90 pulls towards a new banner?
Insane echo roll🔥
Whats the difference between the two leaderboards?
Brant or Changli weapon?
what third should i be running with phoebe and rover team comp?
Would you want a WuWa anime or no
Is this weapon good for verina? or Variation still better?
No basic attack %, its useless
Reposting this cuz this is funny
How it looks like ...
Weekly FAQ/Echo/Build Megathread!
why is my Carlotta doing no damage?
What should I do if I’m out of energy?
I don’t really pay a ton of attention to this but do people actually like tower of adversity
Jinhsi Yuanwu Verina, Changli Phoebe Rover, Carlotta Zhezhi Shorekeeper Team NEW Tower of Adversity Gameplay & Build Wuwa
Is wuthering waves exploration worth it as f2P ? I would say yes.
Hey Kuro, more Male characters please?
Chat, I think theres something wrong with my Jinshi