Any recommendations for a peony or poppy perfumes?
are these kind of products as bad for your laundry as fabric softener? nothing else makes my clothes smell this good 😅
Every night
Amy’s New Aged Cheddar Mac & Cheese: 10/10 : )
Happy St. Patti's Day
Without saying the name of your town/ city, where do you live?
Was this the “it girl” when you were in high school?
New thing from Mcdicks?
Where are yall buying perfume to ask if it's fake
You shouldn't have done that
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
Is there a brand you refuse to support, and what is your reason? ❌️💸
Anyone else had to stop wearing lashes cause it distorted how they perceive themselves
Does anyone know why she has a totally different voice now?
My boyfriend said I look so “f*ckable” while I was dying from period pain. AITA for considering break up?
Am I overreacting or was my dasher rude?
This might seem dumb but I got Outlast because of the Steam sale cause it was two bucks so I figured why not. I have entomophobia and I just wanted to ask if there’s anything that might trigger that in the game.
What’s the latest compliment you received on a fragrance and from who?
Wyr "have a never ending supply of tacos or never ending supply of pizza?"
Girly horror movies
Made an entire back of peanut butter cookies and went to go take a shower while they cooled down. This is what I came back to.
Body Creams vs Body Lotions
What's a perfume you hated the opening of but loved the dry down?
Creationist get schooled by a 6th grader.