This sidewalk isn't aligned...literally unplayable /j
It seems that the work of The Boys™ is getting through to people, Hakim was cited twice
Is the MiA game good?
Holodomor memorial poster by Ukrainian-Australian artist Leonid Denysenko, 2008
Notorious Ukrainian Neo-Nazi leader Demyan Ganul, who advocated for aggressive forced conscription despite never volunteering to fight, and was suspected of participating in the massacre of dozens of anti-Euromaidan activists back in 2014, has been shot and killed in Odessa.
"Day of Soviet Propaganda: Knowledge is Everything!" - pro-Bolshevik poster by D. I. Melnikov (1919)
"Lenin Lived, Lenin Lives, Lenin shall Live Forever" - poster by V. Ivanov (1969)
Does anyone know what flag is this?
What's the most useful thing to find in cdda's starting house in your opinion?
Which coat of arms is this?
Leftist Iranian students, fully-funded by the Pahlavi regime to study abroad, protesting the Pahlavi regime. USA, 1970s.
Lost my longest lasting survivor
We've dealt with earthly kings, let's take on the heavenly ones (Bezbozhnik / 1923)
Why is this flag banned in Ukraine?
Every time some zombie gets me
My Idea for a Third Ancient Megalodon:
Joseph Stalin's closet
What flag would be suitable for my fictional slavic country?
I encountered the Shrouded Ghost after 250 hours of play.
Which leader is most like Lenin?
"Anti-Semitism is the conscious Counter-Revolution. Anti-Semites are our Class Enemies." - poster by Alexander Tyshler (1929)
Conquerors of the Oceans
Joseph Stalin photographed going to work, Moscow 1930
Does anyone know what flag this is?
How does ukraine have this many minerals from a geographic and geological standpoint?