Can you not ult izanami off her leap anymore? [SMITE 2]
Thoughts on the Cloverspell promo foods?
Any good completed series?
New setup
write enbrat with your eyes closed
At what point is wubbox (regular one) worth going for? i’m lvl 24 and i have 14m
I just need to get this off my CHEST
Do you warn your opponents in casual games that you‘ll win the next turn if not interacted with?
Anybody got a tribe going I can join?
Which monster was/is WAY harder to get than it should be for you?
Got deedge from scratch off
Icarus Mods
Which island would you move up or down?
Looking for peeps to play with.
Name your favourite monster (second image might be related)
Cross play?
So this happened
Question from a prospector less than a year old: what’s done, what’s abandoned, and what’s next?
Does mother of runes giving protection from black remove the fear effect on [[Marrow-Gnawer]] for the protected creature?
There should be a surrender option in the new Ballistic mode
Is there a lore reason Max’s hair is blue?
Can you fire a superheavy and an aux mount with 1 barrage
Question about the interaction between Brutal III and Blast attacks