Ive been lurking for years, I finally joined the club today
First read, my most loved character
Just finished Morning Star
I Cried
I’m destroyed.
Bolin and Eska was an abusive relationship and would never be tolerated if the genders were reversed, and that’s a hill I will die on
I’m not crying, you’re crying
Most badass scene and why?
Might be an unpopular opinion
Why did you pick your user flair
Just finished LB—pure fantasy recs to read while I wait for Red God?
Suggest me a series to start tomorrow
Top 10 W T F Malazan Moments
I absolutely love LOK but this is one of those things that just doesn’t sit right with me and I feel like isn’t addressed enough either
Gonna be real..never liked the fact that they played Bolin being in a abusive relationship for laughs.
Give me your hardest (or wisest) quote from the series
Can Glokta have sex?
Who actually wrote the MBotF? An analysis and discussion
I am halfway through the 7th book and just now I realize Shadowthrone and the Hood are not the same.
Is there a way I can show a friend an excerpt from reapers gale?
OK so Reapers Gale is mad!!
Not enough spoilers to know what happens. Enough spoilers to know it will.
A is acceptable. Now on to B.
Thanks UPS