Fun and necessary rules to spice things up in a league
Veteran nurse of 25+ years curious as to the reasons why people are being drawn to this occupation!
Still Lost at 25—Am I Wasting Time by Figuring It Out?
Creative ways to pay for nursing school?
Is Dating/ love really worth it now?
Why are people so rude to workers?
Are there any resources i could use to study early?
Are there any resources i could look up to learn early?
Those of you who have lost significant weight, how big of a change have you noticed in how people treat you?
Who’s your favorite “he wasn’t that good irl, but you would kill with him in Madden”?
Advice on this oppurtunity i have been given
Those of you who have pushed someone that you really liked away, what would you say to them now?
Do men not want marriage anymore ?
Is it bad to say that dating today disgusts me?
A year has passed and my DA reached out like I always hoped for…
Questions Regarding Diabetes healthcare
Show your team and we'll guess your record
I’m a Christian and I just can’t go to church anymore
League is upset about this
Those who have thyroid issues what were some signs that you may have them?
Hey, it's my birthday.
How do I beat my p0rn addiction?
Discourse in my dynasty regarding a thrower
I need some input on this
Does therapy really works?