Why is this even a price for an emote?!!!
Remember clash mini?
North Korea has it's own version of Clash of Clans
Literally unplayable
You can’t make this up lol
Proof that I A: got the 100 Winstreak and B: am missing the 100+ Emote.
are macros bannable
Deck Help Discussion Thread
Got those go from a 5 star lucky drop
Unlocked this evo from 5 star lucky drop
Well, well, well…
Are they for real?
Was this the best shop offer they ever had in SB?
Level 70. Nothing to do with resources. What should I do next?
What'cha think about this
Is it me or happening to everyone?
What do you guys think? Did I hit the jackpot?
Its about sending a message
What collabs do you wanna see?
Did you get all New characters?
Got him on the first chest
HOLY does this game have no moderation at all??