Is a Durag on a Black man seen as intimidating to white people or does it make you guys uneasy? If so, why?
What do you remember about using a rotary phone?
Can we stop talking about Biden?
can we stop talking about Trump?
How do you guys feel about being asked about how you feel about every different thing trump does?
What if Trump issued an executive order to add his face to Mount Rushmore? How would the rest of America react?
what's your sleep activation technique?
Has anyone actually noticed grocery prices get lower under Trump?
Trumpets, what do you love about the administration?
What are times you seriously disagreed with your own political party?
What are your opinions about billionaires?
What was the world like before everyone had a cell phone?
What are the real questions that need to be asked about Trumponomics?
Conservatives, why do you hate your children, love measles and other possible diseases so much?
What's up with the President of The US and the White House Press Secretary insisting that tariffs are paid for by the foreign countries?
Conservatives, since it is illegal to boycott Tesla, what model are you getting?
Whos the most famous person you've ever met?
I'm Never Leaving Seattle
Why can't the left organize a successful movement like the Tea Party?
How was God really created?
Americans of Reddit, what are your thoughts on Trump wiping nearly four trillion dollars off US markets in just a single day?
What is a sound you absolutely hate?
What do you do when you can’t sleep?
What is a good senior quote?
Which slang words should we remove from the English language?