1in or 0.5in needle ?
Anthony Martello admits to using sarms at 16 - thoughts on his cycle ?
Adding hcg to my first cycle - how to manage E2?
Recommendations for trt clinics with doctors who actually care ?
TRT progress
138lbs to 150lbs in 8 days?
[Routine help] how to combine bha exfoliant and BP wash?
How do I prevent this from happening?
How to combine BHA exfoliant and BP wash?
Global Gen Labs (Global Gen Pharmaceuticals) experiences?
Pct question/protocol
Ventrogluteal IM injection spot
Week 1 - Side effects or Placebo?
What’s the correct half life when going to pct?
Just started TRT- When to use my AI ?
Enclo pct suggestions ?
Enclo pct protocol suggestions
How has Derek influenced your fitness/bodybuilding journey?
Best Online Clinic that isn’t crazy expensive & has decent docs?
1 year 3 months results with photo
4years in between pictures, 2 of them I have been on TRT
4 month Test cycle Transformation
Why does everyone seem to hate on Enclomiphene?
Difference between 1x per week injection frequency vs 2x?
LGD-4033 2 months results