Whats wrong with my stereo?
Car stereo not working
Tip of my tongue pushes on my lower front teeth
Tip of the tongue pushes on the lower front teeth
Is it possible that my permanent retainer is slowing down my results
What causes forward growth?
Removing permanent retainer
Is it possible to get rid of my weak chin with mewing or is it impossible.
just got a retainer and dont know what to do
Uneven pressure of my tongue
My below chin area drops when i start breathing
[Discussion] Building a pc for about 1200€ for gaming, streaming and uploading videos. I have a 1080p 75hz monitor.
[Discussion] Building pc for about 1200$, what parts to use?
Building a pc using 1660ti. Should i use i5 9600k with it to overclock it or rather try something else like ryzen 7 2700x.
Where to order i5 9600k because in amazon is out of stock all the time.
Need help to build a pc for about 1200$.
Pc build for about 1200$ for gaming, streaming, uploading videos... For 1440p with 144hz
Need help with pc build.