INDG requirement
Ramadan and midterms
Prab is relying on his community to vote for him
UMSU Candidates
Watch this
Her plot armor was too thick
what an absolute find at the library today
One thing I don't like about the Muslim community (Coming from a revert)
What are these Muslim fighters, for example Khabib and his crew etc doing fighting ?
I'm an Ahmadi (Don't ban me)
Knifes on Campus
Discord link?
He’s so pretty
House Blackfyre
dinner hehe🌝
Help identify fish disease!!
Tribal Flags
Homosexual Muslims
How do I find an indonesian girl? An off-topic question from Europe.
Whoever lost their jordan bag i gave it to the UC reception.
Is it haram to tell a 13 year old child's sins to her parents?
API Errors - Discord Service Interruption - 16 Nov 2024 21:03 UTC-0800
Who is the strongest?
How long have you been keeping fish? And what's something you wish you knew sooner?
I’m 99.9% sure I’ll never be loved….