The episode Bane: Gives me Nightmares... Also why didn't the Asgard purge the planet?? The technology potential alone is priceless..
I know there memes but damn it gets like that lol
Hands off... 😤
A Creeptastic Meme Indeed.
The cat and bin (kinda) is both no more, so where are you peeing now?
There is no other game where I can be a Pirate, Samurai, Spaceman. That has a gay best friend, a flying robot buddy you can't see in frame, while charging a up a power plant to charge a ✌️space laser.✌️ Truly ahead of its time indeed.
Real life hack.
What character in an anime made you wanna do this to them?
It’s 1:30 AM, and your roomate’s girlfriend sends you this. What’s your next move?
It's not that hard... Is it? It's the only mode I play on. Hard-core or nothing baby. It really is a better experience.
Let me cook...
What is that extremely underrated anime ?
blursed tea time.
Checkmate, Liberal
Cleaning that messhall.. Changed me.. I walk out of Camp Mccarran a darker soul...
Many such cases
What anime opening is this?
Favorite red haired character?
I low-ley wonder about the courier sometimes.. I always wondered why the courier plays dumb with Arcade.. IF they knew how to fluently speak latan. Where did they learn latan? The Courier can be so sketchy sometimes.
Life... Is... Good.. You know..
Tell me your most evil deed and I'll rate it.
Which anime?
Anyone else hates Oliver?
Is this a good team flag