am i going deep enough? any deeper and my lower back starts rounding (even without weights). also if you noticed anything else i could improve lemme know plz
Preco vam "chuti" stiplave/palive jedlo?
full body suit vs individual pieces?
/r/GYM Weekly Simple Questions and Misc Discussion Thread - March 09, 2025 Weekly Thread
treba vodicak na elektricke vozitka? (kolobezky, bicykle, jednokolky, atd)
dont worry about being harsh, just give me feedback so i can improve. i usually so these with elevated heels but recorded it doing it on flat surface so im not going as deep as i could. also havent recorded myself in a while so didnt realize what my knees been doing all this time
Ako si vytvoriť zvyk chodenia do fitka?
/r/GYM Weekly Simple Questions and Misc Discussion Thread - March 02, 2025 Weekly Thread
why do i have those indents in my muscles? at first had only the one on bicep close to shoulder but now noticed more of them (not sure how visible are they on the photo)
Je tu nejaky zubar ktory mi vysvetli tieto ceny?
Obchodovanie s akciami pre bezneho cloveka
Half of new EU city buses were zero-emission in 2024
Aký internetový prehliadač používate a prečo?
what protection do you actually need?
would mten mini be any good for learning before i get a bigger wheel or should i rather go for soemthing like v10?
is it worth it to rent a wheel for just a few days?
Čo robíte vo voľnom čase?
buying my first controller, is gamesir nova good choice?
Za nákupy z Číny si už riadne zaplatíme
Študenti, koľko máte našetrené?
Je normálne, že žena od začiatku uprednostňuje análny sex pred vaginálnym?
Mam 29 rokov a cca 10k, som chudobný?
Pomohla vam niekedy rehabilitacia? (Ta "statna", plne preplacana poistovnou)
I got wasted on gin and tonics last night. It took me an hour this morning to remember modeling this...
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