Every game and their mother have a Fury -> SSJ Broly WHAT ARE WE DOING LEGENDS
Ok.. how bad has the 2025 shaft been?
🙌 Top 10 Kuu! 🙌
Stop playing with mcDonald's wifi, please
Under Appreciated Streamers:
My very first encounter with SSJ3 Vegeta
you're number one
We saiyans have no limits reference in legends?
to whoever showed me lf fused zamasu can cook given the proper tools thank you
Top 10 list (Friday, March 14th)
Hot Take: this unit would’ve received far less hate, if Son Family wasn’t constantly getting buffed last year
9 months later and there still is NO ESCAPE
I restored my faith in pvp today
Me when Vegeta Clan mains say Vegeta has never had a good standalone unit as an excuse for UMV’s toxicity
I don't even play legends anymore, but I had to do this.
Excuse me but how DUR FAWK are you declining to pair when YOU ARE THE ONE WITH AN ELEMENT DISADVANTAGE?!
Man is playing from outer space lmao
Would you guys like a customisable green card ?
Out of all of these, which zenkai would be the most hype? (hybrid edition)
This dude has type neutrality 1000% of the time, it's so annoying
Who made this 💀
Is this canon?!
The way y'all jumped him... Watch legends not release a decent vegeta for another 5 years
My current favourite duo in the game
GOATENKS 1v3 clutch