Serbia had Noise Marines this entire time?!
The Imperial Fists need shields
The only songs I need while purging
It's OK, I wasn't using all that health and armour anyway
Questions regarding the Death Company
Grimdark Imperial Fist
Redemptor I finished up a couple weeks ago.
Ori & wow~ who we have here?! - Valentine's Day❤️
Veteran Tactical w/ mk 6 Corvus helmet. Are veterans only in the first company? Or can they be in other companies, too?
First Imperial Fist
Is this overkill for a 1st company 2000 pt list?
Got this action figure the other day. He is now fortifying my desk! xD
Bulwark Veteran update. Added white trim to his right side, but I still like the red on his left. Thoughts?
guess my favorite game
Now that's gender equality
Bulwark Veteran Idea (just gave him a white helmet). What do you think?
POV: Youre serving the emperor in space marines 2
What's your respawn stats?
Expansion on school doodles
Did I cook
How did I end up here?