I used to consider 5 hrs of sleep a luxury as a teenager, am I done for life? 😅
Unpopular opinion: kočku domácí mějte DOMA
Single vegans, what’s your dating life like?
Random hypothetical: If you can grow any one thing that normally shouldn’t grow in your zone what would you chose?
What are you meant to do after ending up with like 30+ nymphs
Proč je v Americe běžné vyjadřovat plat v ročním výdělku a v ČR spíše v měsíčním?
Overwintering Araucaria what is the least bad option?
Trachycarpus fortunei (Windmill Palm Tree) thriving in wet soils TRUE or FALSE?!
Being a 30 year old gay guy is hitting me hard
Is it safe for my spiny leaf insects to eat old blackberry leaves?
Strange baby Medauroidea extradentata deaths?
Co byste v ČR ukázali Američanům?
Dneska jsem byl jedním fellow redditorem nařčen, že chlap, co miluje kočky je “buzík”. Tak vykopávám fotkou naší tlupy a čekám na fotky od vás fellow “buzíků” :) Ženy ofc přispívejte též.
Did the Universe always exist?
Why do we consider América to be one continent, but not Eurasia?
THE THEME (season 3)
Can someone explain to me what is far right or far left?
New to Communism, worried I’m being brainwashed
I hope we get to see what creature these big ass jaw bones belong to in Fire & Ash
Note to self...don't try and put toddlers in adult pose packs...
Why are there so many crashes lately?
Could command/planned economy work as intended?
Does communism care of about minorities?