Spell to make me shorter?
Could i paint white wax to make it black with a marker
Can i use a black marker to dye white wax black
What could i use for a replacement for needles
Replacement for needles😊?
Could i use old vinegar from an old spell jar in a new spell
Is writing my sp name on my pad before using it considered manifesting or is that witchcraft?
Could i just have a playlist of random crush subliminals or does it have to be really specific on what i want
Could i send someone pictures of my playlist and lmk if it looks good or if i should change some stuff about it
Do subliminals cause brain fog
Could someone who doesn’t judge please private chat me i gotta ask something
How many times do i listen to a booster
Do these type of subliminals work
How many subliminals should i listen to at a time
How many subliminals could i listen to at a time for fastest results
Any love spell?