New Fusion character boosts Brant
Need help
Cantarella sig weapon via wuthering waves leaks telegram
Cantarella Changes
2.2.6 Beta updates
Pull value of Kvare for a new account?
Your month your White Day boy that gives you gifts
Same Voice in UK Gacha Games.
Wuthering Waves Version 2.2 Preview Special Broadcast is scheduled to air on March 21, 2025, at 19:00 (UTC+8)
As someone with massive skill issues and has been ignoring holograms for 10 months, I finally gained the confidence to do them because of Brant
What made you pull for him?
New Brant Content: Insider Channel
Is the new sword in 2.3 better than his other non sig options?
What do you guys think of my brant :)
[Resposted by Hunter x Hunter] [via anonymous][STC(Subject To Change)] Info about future characters
Are Brant healing and shields worth the slot?
Does Brant lose his Aflame attack buff if Return is swapped in the middle?
S3R1 Hypercarry Brant (didn't expect him to be this strong)
Posting Brant art so we can be as gooner as the femalemains subreddits.
Brant S2 or Changli?
it's giving that one bisexual theatre kid. (tell me i'm not the only one)
FINALLY did all the holograms with solo brant s5r1 this was of course the hardest one like the others actually kinda pale in comparison lol so i saved the best for last
[via Hunter x Hunter] Zani is possibly a Heavy Attack Damage character, Will be in the first half of 2.3 and also possible Phoebe rerun in first half of 2.3
What is your unpopular opinion about WuWa?