When Gen Z is as old as the baby boomers being socially awkward will be the norm
You can fly while you're touching the ground
Guess the Plane!
You can force anyone to play The Campaign for North Africa, The Desert War to completion.
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This pawn got pregnant at the age of FIFTY-NINE. I didn't even know that could happen!
[WP] there exist a spell so destructive that everyone even the gods vow to never let it be casted again, with no true name for the spell it’s simply referred to as … “14 billon skeleton”
Just... why?
To humans… everyone is!
That moment you realize you've been assigned to lead table
I wish I could make some damn wishes to the Monkey’s Paw without having it backfire terribly on me due to some technicality that I overlooked
2 of my pawns gave birth to a B1 Battle droid
I wish that the yellow stone supervolcano calmed down and ceased to become a volcano.
Rat detected
What swear word alternatives do you use when you can’t use the real one?
Mom! Phineas and Ferb are making ______
Adolf hitler is _____, not racist!
Type "The only certainties in life are death, taxes, and" then finish with your auto complete (don't mind the image)
What is your not so fun fact?
[WP] The Supervillain "Couch Potato" has succeeded in his master plan of turning everybody into furniture. One month later, you, a superhero turned barstool, partake in a quest to turn everyone back.
[PM] Attempting to write an alternate history story - either short or long, I'm more interested in American or Pacific/European Theater History, but surprise me! I'll give something.
[WP] An alien presence is sweeping through the populace, ensnaring more and more human minds by the day. You are immune to its control, and you are... incredibly pissed about being left out. You WILL be assimilated, and that is a threat.
[WP] Every time you touch something, you instantly know all its history. One day, while your in a crowded subway you accidentally bump into someone, you go to apologize until you see their past.