If your trophy hunting on AC Shadows be aware guys
Finally managed to do my first push up!
What exactly do I do here?
some of my friends played it so i wondered if it was good so i played DS1 for the first time a few days ago and Now i Reach Smough And Ornstein İn a Few Hours But How Tf İ beat these guys? They don't even let me hit they just keep destroying me
Anyone else keep getting signed out on iOS?
[PS5] W: Runes, H: Karma
Fellow broke gamers, what’s a game you’re dying to play but can’t afford?
6 hour drive and you can only listen to one artist. Who are you listening to?
I removed all spiders from the hole because I needed to fill it up. There were like 30 of them
I have no clue how I didn’t die here
How you gonna hack and still lose 🤣
Can someone explain how this makes sense?
Nah, I ain’t cancelling
PSN is down. Look at my dogs
[Discussion] What game do you wish you could platinum but never will?
Pdp riffmaster not turning on anymore
Does dying here reset your save file?
What Xbox Original/360 game(s) do you wish were backwards compatible with Xbox Series X and why?
Are you kidding me?
It’ll cost 108100 COD Points ($800) to buy ALL BUNDLES
TDM over Any other mode boggles my mind
just wondering do ppl still play domination on playstation? PSN: yddeP
helping anywhere
PS5 Help and Questions Megathread | Game Recommendations, Simple Questions, and Tech Support
Helping with anything (Not chalice dungeons)