Gaga performs Killah on SNL
new album: Ruby — JENNIE
New player. The Suspicious Hat Guy Lvl 10 Quest Bugged, Help! :-)
Daily sticky thread for rants, raves, celebrations, advice and more! New? Start here!
Is he interested or not? Too early to tell?
It finally happened to me.
Everyone leaves once the mask falls off
Everyone’s getting engaged and then there’s me that just got dumped
Anxious attachment is preventing me from getting my real needs
I’m so tired…
Anyone else avoid relationships and intimacy?
First time I got through something on my own without him.
Hate when people say that you'll find someone better
I healed. Here’s how I did it.
I'm at work and I can't hold back my tears
I’m not good enough.
It frustrates me how easily some people give up on relationships
I want to be okay with being alone
The closure made me feel worse off.
He Broke NC and Came Back…Kinda
How do you cope when your ex was your best and only Friend?
Ex apologized and I don’t know what to do
He’s dropping my stuff off today.
I feel like I can't break up and I'm miserable