Questions concerning the factory event
Traps for beginners
Any beginner tips?
Show in Leipzig
Should I cancel my trip to tromso?
Visiting Tromsø this weekend
What are the odds of finding this from daily incest?!
Who else didn’t know Indian metal was a thing?
Giveaway - 70 Phione, 4-5IVs
“Indians/South Asians are the last group who it is acceptable to be racist against” is a common refrain on South Asian online communities. Do you personally agree with it? Do you feel it is justified due to the numerous issues in Indian/South Asian culture?
[Giveaway] 200+ Alolan Raichu! (for our DLC-less friends/those who missed the event!)
Weekly Trade Megathread
Looking for scarlet paradox exclusives
LF Scarlet Paradox
Northern lights over south Bavaria tonight
Tobias with Frost, Phil Anselmo, Satyr
Dragon names
Which fictional character probably has a massive weiner?
Mc Donald’s trying to save the environment with paper straws but use plastic lids
TIL that the 6th Dalai Lama rejected living as a monk, and instead spent his life womanizing, drinking, and writing love poems and songs
What was the DUMBEST thing you've ever done in a Pokémon game?
No Title
If you could eat any Pokémon what would you eat and how would you prepare it?