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What the...?
Police Called on Striking workers in Pittsburgh
Best piracy investment you have ever made? $25 for IDM in 2012 for me
trying to get into irc, help
Mozilla changed their TOS
Trying to wipe MXLinux and install Windows
Anyone using mIRC or AdiIRC to download xdcc packs?
If your trying to de-Google your browsing experience do this in UBO.
I finally got into Death Metal
Can we all agree this is the best Maiden 3 album run?
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[BSPWM] New update!
Clean ConkyPorn
My collection, mostly death metal
MX-Linux and Conky.
My MX-Linux desktop with modified conky config.
Fresh Mint install with a few conky tweaks...
Fresh install with a few conky tweaks...
MX-Linux 23.5 Libretto XFCE on an almost 15 year old PC.
My simple setup's super, swiftly smoothing system starts, my simple setup's success, so swiftly seen, seldom slips.
Black or Blackened Death albums recommendations
Reply with 10/10 albums