Tiffany | a7 IV, 50/1.2GM
Why Do Some People Sleep with a Fan On, Even in Cold Weather?
If you could only use one lens?
How do dentists react to tongue splits?
How OpenAI's Ghibli frenzy took a dark turn real fast
Brand of Sacrifice at the Danforth Music Hall, Toronto
As a non-smoker, do you find that all smokers have a noticeable odor?
Whitechapel at the Danforth Music Hall, Toronto
Would you ever go skydiving?
iPhone 17 Pro Launching Later This Year With These 10 New Features
Is it embarassing to go to gym when ur skinny, cant run a mile, and can barely do 1 pushup?
How Do You Cope With The Fact That Eventually One Day You Will Die?
What drug do you believe have saved your life?
Question: What and where was your most painful tattoo?
What's your "comfort" tv show?
How is quetiapine going for you ?
What is the single most beautiful lyric you've heard or read?
Experiences on Lactimal??
Are you content "managing" bipolar?
What was the very first game you played on a PC?
Advice needed: Cover rest of my arm seattle, WA
Do most people regret their tattoos after 1, 5, or 10 years?
Sensor dust FIXED!
Do you ever worry?
If you had to sell all but one lens, what would you keep?