She looks fine but so different without the smoothing filter
this made me feel bad for her
Halley must be so tired of her copying everything she does
260 Sample Sale - Cashmere @ 260 Fifth Ave
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ISO “going out” top patterns
On a scale of 1-10, how safe do you HONESTLY feel in the NYC Subway
Lazy + Meaningless Content
pov: you bought your way onto a brand trip and bullied by an influencer who was actually invited
Cold and Random Tea(?): Acquired Style's Mom on Bridalplasty E! TV Show
$1.4 million, I mean they’ve got a lake and everything🙃🙃🙃
Thanks her media illiterate followers and fans
PSA - stop being tacky
Halley mcgoochs apartment is sooooooo badly styled im shocked
Did anyone grow up with Rayne?
Where's "your" spot?
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WHO is asking about the couch
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🫣Harry and the new unwell girl
Daily Discussion Thread 06/23/2024
influencers in the wild
Seeking Brother Husband