Can I put my Ultra 2 around my ankle and will it still be accurate?
I can finally post one of these
Please tell me this was 1800 calories or less…😞😭
Ultra 2 not super accurate on treadmill with incline or something else?
What’s the most delicious thing I can order on pedidos?
34M Interventional cardiologist
Huge progress with 2 Chlorhexidine
Traveling to Nicaragua for the first time, what should I know?
Why have the booster programs gotten so much more expensive ?
Have any of you gotten in after a major comeback in your GPA ?
Weekly DAT Discussion Thread - October 14, 2024
What the best and easiest way to transfer all of my data onto a new phone?
Can you guys help with my personal statements?
What is up with all of the group discussion?
Can you guys suggest 10 easy GPA boosters that can be taken online or hybrid ?
Dentistry Question
High Protein foods that don’t trigger IBS ?
Did you ever go through a slutty phase ?
How do you guys deal with soreness ?
Best places to walk around the city?
To all the gay men mercy mains: It really works.
Am i in the wrong??
This accurately describes my supp experience 😂
Have you also been blocked for being a man ?
Daily Advice Thread - March 24, 2024