The Balkan Peninsula, north-west part [Bosnia, Serbia] (from a 1878 🇩🇪 atlas)
Countries where the leader is younger than Beyonce (for reference her bday... pun intended... is september 4th 1981)
People's leaders of all countries (PRC \ China, 1950s)
"Trianon's cruelty applied to other countries" Hungarian poster in 1921
"John Bull: 'Britons, Help!' [The World's Markets] [Free Trade Budget]" - Conservative Party general election poster (1909)
Stanisławów Voivodeship [within interwar Poland] (vintage school map)
Map of all Danish Municipalities and their flags (from r/denmark)
Russia, Asian part (from a 1878 🇩🇪 atlas)
"Vitazstvo Albo Bolsevizmus" ("Victory or Bolshevism") - Slovak poster (1944)
Christianity in the age of Justinian the Great (1950s map)
Ethnic map of Czechia in 1921
“We shall not abandon the land where our nation was born” Polish Western Union (1929)
Geographical Diagram of the Earth Adapted for Illustrating Its Movements &c. and Exhibiting the Chief Mountains & Rivers of the World (1844)
The percentage of people in Europe washing their hands with soap after using the bathroom
"Our heroes and our flags" - Confederate illustration, date unknown
Map of Poles' birthplaces with a Wikipedia article.
Map of how countries in Europe were handling famine at the start of 1918
Victory Boys (1942)
"The speech of J.V. Stalin on XIX-th Congress of CPSU, 14 October 1952", D.A. Nalbandyan, 1953
Turkey at the crossroads, 20 December 1943
"Relax, it's just a game" from Hockey Canada's eponymous PSA campaign (2002)
Map of Odysseus' Journey
Chinese map of Europe, 1939
Sweden and Norway, southern part (from a 1878 🇩🇪 atlas)
Chinese pictorial map of Central Europe from 1939.