There are few better things than a Friday walk after work with your best mate
Her name is Sally <3
Help me find this fantasy book please
H.B. 322 passed both houses.
Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke Trailer
Trying out new things and think these mini cheesecakes came out great
Surprise! You have twins now
Another part of Shari’s interview from People
Survived domestic torture and became an engineer
(Sample of Shari’s Book) Chapter 2,3 and some of 4
(Sample of Shari’s Book) Intro and Chapter One
Sample of Shari’s Book Available!
My husband requested a penguin cake for his birthday! I attempted
I made a pancake cake and am so excited about the result!
Absentee Ballots?
What sitcom (over 2 seasons) started GOOD and ended GOOD?
Shari’s Statement Against Family Vlogging
What is your favourite name starting with C for a girl?
In you opinion, what is the greatest fanfic?
I made Boo-Berry Pies! 👻
Made it to 20 years sober! (OC)
i got an 89 on my test!
Quick Question: What do you call this creature?
You have Six kids what are their names?
Happy birthday E!