What is the weirdest thing you've seen online related to dog man / captain underpants?
My papa, my friends and me
The song sounds hopeful but the lyrics are sad
My kids won't stop reading Dog Man
i am fully convinced i am going to die alone.
Make the comments look like his/its search history... (The Talking Toilets probably couldn't do this since no limbs LOL) (Since this is the movie version, movie version related only. I may do book version of the character in a separate post.)
My little brother is going to see dogman on Saturday for his birthday and I'm so happy rn
Make the comments look like his search history
New invention! 2000!
Pretend the comments is Petey’s search history
[OC] Quick Question Folks, Black and White or Full Colour?
Probably the most cursed content farm thumbnail I have of Dogman…
POV: seeing that Fish_Internet_1896 got banned
Everyone say happy birthday to Dav Pilkey (and me)!!!!!!