any good tailors who can like hem a skirt
what shoegaze song sums up 2024 for you, and what would you like 2025 to sound liek?
What's your favourite colour? I'll give it a score
what has been the most relatable moment from bojack for 2024?
About to try this one for the first time, what are y’all’s thoughts ?
They’re retiring Aussie lemonade and ultra Rosa??
Best organ? :3
Tell me ur nationality without telling me ur nationality
Worst and best of monster?
Which character
if you were a monster flavour what would you be?
Name an arctic monkeys song that’s grown on you
best arctic monkeys song to play as a lullaby for a child?
Does watching BoJack Horseman make you sadder?
who was the most infuriating character for you?
What’s the Alex Turner’s lyrics that you find the most beautiful? Not the best or more ingenious but some sentence that you find just beautiful.
I finally own this masterpiece
why do you have hope for the future? and if you don’t, why?
what’s the most relatable character for you abd why?
what is a song that just didn't stick with you that others love?
Is there anyway to tell if this is authentic?
Do you guys believe John and Paul had some sort of …. Romance?
Drop your favorite monster‼️
What song are you playing
My collection is complete.