How to do you shut off the drive that makes you endlessly think about people?
What is something tiny you do that helps?
Which movies are bringing you comfort or joy?
Heartbroken and struggling
Tips for finding a coda sponsor?
Bad relationship dance
When you date someone and blame their challenges on yourself
The work is working
Really struggling to self-soothe as I navigate a breakup
fresh out of a breakup with someone i intensely trauma bonded to. i'm devastated and i feel like i'm dying.
I need advice, please ☺️. Which handbag do you like most on me ☺️?
Don't fall for "friendship" with abusers
If you wanted to dramatically change your appearance, what would you do?
I’m not being kind to myself- tell me the kind things you do to help yourself feel your love
Things that matter less when you have self love…
What makes a divorced person ready / safe to date?
Some recent vision boards I made about my CODA/love addiction recovery :)
Healthy love is...
The Passing of Melody Beattie
When I thought he couldn't surprise more and he did...!
Dealing with guilt after cutting someone off
I love my ex but I’m maintaining NC because it’s healthy for me
Crying inside because I miss my lying ex that took me for granted
Did you ever realize that, the people who you were so concerned about disliking you, you didn't like in the first place?