Curtailing solar photovoltaics is here to stay, overbuilding PV will become normal – pv magazine International
RoadRage - Veerasandara Ecity
Hydrolysed Collagen Type Confusion
A Must-Read Article on the current state of "Namma Bengaluru"
Indian UAV
When is it too late to learn how to drive?
Will metro ease out Traffic in Bangalore?
Can't wait for it to get over: Guilty
TV too high?
Can I please skip this harrowing ad?
Another day another FedEx Scam
Mysterious Blood Red Sky Filmed in China
I can order and get a condom(look up instant delivery in India) before my erection wears off but have to wait days for a data request to my analytics team
World’s largest firework set off in Japan (sorry if this was already posted)
Businesses with Live LLM based customer support chatbots
What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard someone say that they were 100% serious about?
We shall all go dark
Redditors, have you ever gotten an “ick” from a potential partner or love interest that instantly killed your attraction to them? If so, what happened?
Sauron's Fall Was (Possibly) Driven By His Unrequited Love For Nessa
I received email with this subject: Notice to Refund excess units allotted against the short funds received from you by ICCL
Local BC recurrence + perimenopausal = white knuckle???
AC done. Docetaxel Begins. New Side effects
Starting AC today
I need a time machine. Not to travel through time, but to create more of it.