When someone sends an email with "call me when you have a chance"
Found Footage Pet Peeves
Anybody know who have the biggest chance to win ?
Is there a reason no one ever talks about how important mental focus is?
I still have 3 more unfinished audiobooks...
Would it be too hard to add an "open all" button 😰
We need a rush mode without evolutions.
Is Scottie Pippen the greatest “robin” of all time? And if not, who is? Or who’s the 2nd greatest “robin”?
What’s an Eminem line that makes you grin everytime you hear it?
There's something off about my sister
Pack weight is definitely down
I made a tier list of all the Paranormal Activity Movies (including Tokyo Nights); let me know your opinions.
Low driven shot
For the rank 2 and above players, What are the keys to crack rank 2?
Who did you pack that should have been good but did nothing but flop for you ?
Why does everyone turn into absolute Demons after 10pm?
Better goalie than Casillas?
whats the best formation for all these players to start
Anyone else wish they'd just drop a taki bag without all the red 40 and Blue 1 nonsense and just give us pure flavor ?
Is House of David good if you’re not religious?
Who deserves the Low Driven Playstyle ?
Got this from a normal 83+ pack. is he any good?
What is the best formation, and way to utilise all the players i have, feel like im wasting some on the bench
this mf is too op, his price will only go up, beating even Mbappe soon.