What’s something everyone loves but you secretly hate?
You're so cute when you're angry
What's the story behind the Wen Anderson-eaque shots?
I can't understand people who eat meat with eggs💀!
What does it mean when someone says they feel like a woman?
What are some common things people say or ask that reveal their complete ingnorance of your field, or that they have only a cocktail party level of understanding?
Is there really a such thing as looking gay or lesbian?
Why to I cry watching Shoresy?
Young people and Janis Joplin
AITA for being embarrassed that my girlfriend called tourists "country bumpkins" and condescended to them?
My Girlfriend Thinks My Boss Is “Grooming” me
AITAH for telling my boyfriend to stop using Twitter because he's started slut shaming me since using it?
Sometimes, you mean nothing to the people who mean everything to you.
That thing they were in maybe wasn’t the Best, but man they were GREAT in it
Favourite actress who got their wikipedia vandalized?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Finished Worm in less than a month! Here’s my incoherent collection of thoughts
"I loved it. Guess who didn’t? Woke. Liberals" Users on r/ForUnitedStates react to Trumps address to Congress
men using sigmund freud to own the feminists (found right here on reddit)
What’s a piece of advice you wish you had taken seriously when you were younger?
Why do people die of cancer?
What's something that is more traumatizing that most people think?
Brooke and Jubal: Josh and Rachel Cat story. How are they now ???
Agatha christie media hot takes.
During his speech, Trump claimed that $8m was used to make mice transgender because he doesn't know what transgenic means