Which booty do you prefer?
You know I love me some handstands
Mom brought home this pure gray guy today. What should we name him?
What do you call these? Is it a regional thing?
I tried making a sex tape, once.
Feel like we need a mature, distinguished name for this guy we just adopted
What should we name him?
9/10 Redditors are idiots.
I need help naming my new baby! She’s about 2 years old. I’m thinking she needs an old lady/grandma name
Name this cat, female names. I love "cowgirls" type names.
I need a tough guy name
Help me name my cat - Boy, around 3-4 months old
What is "Louisville Style Pizza"?
Help name our son
Things you should not say while you’re at driving school
In the Bible, why are the words of Jesus Christ written in red?
Worst thing to say after giving birth?
People who are autistic, how do you feel about the saying "work hard, play hard"?
Help me name my new kitten! He’s about 3 months old now. This was before I got him. Just got him tonight and haven’t taken a picture. Thinking Mochi or Mouse. M names please.
I stubbed my ___ . What your keyboard type out the rest.
Comment Hello everyone my name is _______ and fill in the blank
Things Not To Say To A Bouncer
Ways to come out to your parents
What Motörhead song are you playing on this
Things not to tell say at the altar of marriage.