Let's see some ALPHAS! Post up any and all of your ALPHA gems! Who's got 'em?
r/CurrencyTradingCards +10K member GIVEAWAY! 🏆📢🎉
Can’t believe I’m letting this thing go. 😩
Reputation & Confirmed Trades Thread
Loud base sound near White Park
Looking to buy all Series 4 Iced Foils in bigger lots
Last 3 Megas of S4
Free Gem Giveaway
Somehow managed to find 2 Megas
Took Some Work
WTS - Alpha and Omegas included
Bad beat at home game
Getting closer
Buried In Barksy’s
YoDooley: 2/21 6:00PM CST - Every Buyer gets a sealed S4 collector box!
Herd Thinnig Pt. 2 - DM offers
Any Suriname Gulden fans in here?
Today’s pulls
Trade Pile!!
Valentimes Day MAIL Call
First cold foil
Today’s pulls 👀
First Alpha
Today’s pull
First megabox