Preeta what she did?
Pebbles I painted for trinket trading 🐝🐞🪲
How many pancakes did you reduce your boobs by? (Or how many is your goal if you are pre-op)
Dart Manipulation M6696
Has anyone tried to shower with sports bra on?
Has anyone ever cancelled or rescheduled within a few days of surgery?
What does ∅ mean?
Would you let your 5 yo child change their name?
Is the mastectomy pillow really helpful ?
I haven’t seen anyone mention scopolamine patches
Ga Ren Faire Fall Fling 11/16
In the off-season, you taken the Renaissance where you can get it
A homeschool-like college?
Georgia Renaissance Festival Fall Fling with airborne cinnamon allergy?
What are people's feeling about cosplayers at Ren Fair?
Itching and flaking from silicon scar gel
My fiance doesn’t want me leaving our 10 month old alone
Renaissance-y songs?
4 year old thinks the tooth fairy commits privacy violations.
5 year old & 7 year old
Should you expect to make less as a nanny if you bring your kid along?
AIO? Not staying the night at my new bf’s house with his pillow situation.
Help!What's in my toilet?
Does anyone know what eyeliner JD Vance is using during the Vice Presidential Debate?????????????
Are “old school” dress makers real? Or just an urban legend?