Nervous from calling out
Name some things you did not understand the first few times you saw it on the show?
Lighting update & haunted items
Day 7: Most Underrated Episode is “First Stop”! What’s the Most Creative Episode?
mb home nk meltdown
Day 6: “Lucy Does A TV Commercial” Wins Most Overrated! Now, What’s The Most Underrated Episode?
Day 4: The Cringiest Episode Goes To “The Indian Show”. Now Let’s Choose The Most Emotional Episode.
Day 3: “Lucy Goes To Scotland” Won Worst Episode! What is your pick for Cringiest Episode?
Narcoleptics with Taste, what are we doing for our mattresses?
Day 2: “LA At Last”Won Best Episode!!! What is your pick for Worst Episode?
When parents take credit for your work
Are there any other Gen Z people (born between 1997 and 2012) on this page? I'm wondering if there are others around my age who like this show.
Passport Photos?
User flair
A game where you encourage kids to identity their big feelings and how to handle them ❤️
How much does narcolepsy cost you in America?
Hate when this happens…
Martha “cookbooks”
I was told it was just constipation!
Who was your favorite character outside of the 4 main cast members? Mr. Merriweather for me! Do you Ouija?
27 month old food aversion
What features would you love?
Wrong answers only why wouldn’t you survive in Gilead? SILLY/GOOFY MOOD EDITION
Domestic work criticism